CENTRAL ARIZONA MASONIC LODGE STATED MEETINGS:  Second Wednesday of the Month; 7:30 p.m. DINNER: 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Central Arizona Masonic Lodge #14

Worshipful Master

John Cam​​illieri

Masons are on journeys of self-discovery believing in something greater

than himself, a journey in which he will be supported by other good men.

Aloha and another beautiful night in the Lodge! We welcomed brother JT Rober visiting from Argus # 545 in Ohio as well as Joshua Taggart from Glendale #23! It was a lot of fun to celebrate the Brethren winning the Master Architect award!!!

WB John Welsch, WB John Camillieri and DDGM Steven Bracety were incredibly honored to receive the Master Architect Award for 2023/2024 from Most Worshipful Brother George Rusk and Most Worshipful Grand Master Michael Dale on behalf of the Brethren of Central Arizona #14! Thank you.

Scottish Rite                           Eastern Star                              Rainbow GIrls                          Shriners International                         York RIte                              DeMolay for Boys                         Job's Daughters                              

Grand Master​​ of Masons in Arizona
Most Worshipful Michael A. Dale

Introducing the 2024-2025 ​​

Grand Master​​ of Masons in Arizona

Most Worshipful Michael A. Dale

My brothers, it is with deep humility that I accept this great honor that you have bestowed upon me. I feel humbled and honored to be elected to serve as your Grand Master for the ensuing Masonic year. This year is dedicated to those Past Grand Masters that have been a part of my life over the last seven years. With your support and the blessings of the Great Architect of the Universe, I will strive to live up to the legacy of my exceptional predecessors. I hope that together we can make Masonry in Arizona the best it has ever been.

This year we will focus on Circumscribing our desires and keeping our passions within due bounds. We will do this through Honor, Courage and Commitment.

Honor the obligations you have made to Masonry, all of them. I charge each of you to go back and read your obligations whether you have them memorized or not. Understand the obligations you have made. Honor those in authority by active listening; genuinely listen to others. Maintain eye contact, avoid interrupting and provide constructive feedback when necessary. Pay compliments by acknowledging the positive qualities of others. Be kind, considerate, and polite. Show empathy and try to understand others’ perspective. Patience demonstrates respect for others’ time and feelings.

Courage involves taking action despite feeling fear. Have the courage to discuss Masonry to any person, at any time, and at any place. Develop your 15-minute elevator speech on Masonry. Courage, like the muscles in your body, can be developed. You can become more courageous with practice. Fear is an opportunity for growth rather than a hinderance. Instead of fighting fear, embrace it. Mindfulness helps you respond to fear with courage.

Commitment is a powerful quality that can lead to various positive outcomes.  Commit yourself to your lodge and become the Mason that all want to emulate. When you commit to something you are more likely to follow through and achieve the goal. Commitment provides the necessary motivation and persistence to overcome obstacles and stay focused. Commitment plays a crucial role in all relationships. Being committed fosters trust, reliability, and loyalty. Commit to self-improvement. Learning new skills leads to personal growth and productivity. When you are committed, you are more likely to put forth the effort required to excel. When faced with challenges, commitment helps you to persevere, adapt, and find solutions rather than giving up.